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This Weekend I’ll Mostly Be Listening to… Songs about Wolves October 5, 2019

Posted by irishelectionliterature in This Weekend I'll Mostly Be Listening to....

Given the recent proposals to reintroduce wild wolves to Ireland a selection of tunes that we might be playing to greet their arrival.


1. Lamentreat - October 5, 2019

Does this count?

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Lamentreat - November 1, 2019

Just to re-up the wolves for a second, this is nothing to do politics, but pretty good:

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2. WorldbyStorm - October 5, 2019

Brilliant IEL! I laughed out loud when I saw the title and first sentence of the post. Classic. Here’s a few, funny how metal loves wolves…

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3. Michael Carley - October 5, 2019


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4. Starkadder - October 5, 2019

I like the Duran Duran song, even though the depiction of the black woman as a “sexy savage” is very dodgy.

I also liked this one- possibly the best thing the current Miss Elon Musk ever did:

The song always make me think of a snow-filled Coniferous forest with wolves running wild through it.

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WorldbyStorm - October 5, 2019

That’s a great pick. BTW, Elon Musk and Grimes… The world has gone mad.


5. roddy - October 5, 2019

What about the Wolf Tones?

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6. Joe Mooney - October 5, 2019

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7. Bartholomew - October 5, 2019
8. yourcousin - October 6, 2019

A late addition.

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