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Left Archive: An Phoblacht/Republican News, October 20th 1979, Provisional Sinn Féin December 26, 2022

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This copy of An Phoblacht/Republican News joins other editions in the Archive. This one from 1979 bridges the gap between the mid-1970s and the mid-1980s.

The front page article argues that:

‘SURPRISING’, ‘SHOCK­ING’ and ‘EMBARRASS­ING’ is how most of the Irish newspapers and pol­itical commentators des­cribed a survey which shows that 72% of people in the Free State are in favour of a unilateral British withdrawal, that 21% of the people are in support of I RA activities and ’42°/o sympathise with their motives! The slavish mentality of  the establishment was ex­ pressed best by the Irish  Press which was worried  about the consternation  it would cause loyalists  and that it would pre­judice British opinion! 

Another piece states:


THE IRA’s ambush of two British soldiers in plain-clothes at the bottom of Belfast’s Whiterock Road a week last Monday was a double success. Not only was it a technical military success in undoubtedly curbing the activities of Brit under­cover men – one was killed and one seriously wounded – but also brought immediate political and propaganda pay-offs in encouraging ‘troops out’ sentiment in England.

There are many interesting pieces but of particular interest is one on the Left Press which looks at ‘Irish Socialist’, ‘Starry Plough’, ‘Socialist Republic’, ‘Militant’ and ‘United Irishman’. It also looks at ‘Comment’ from the British and Irish Communist Organisation. Of this latter it says.

COMMENT is the fort­nightly magazine of th British and Irish Comm­unist Organisation (BICO) who are the main prop­onents of the two-nations theory. As the BICO support the British occu­pation of the north • a basis for the advance of  Socialism, they have  earned themselves the  same sort of respect that  is due to the Flat Earth Society. 


1. entdinglichung - December 27, 2022

did AP regularly do reviews on other leftwing groups publications back then?

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WorldbyStorm - December 27, 2022

Not that I’ve seen in copies I’ve read – I always got the impression they ignored a lot of the left – but others would probably have a better sense of it than me.


Colm B - December 27, 2022

APRN occasionally did wee snippets on the WP/OIRAs shenanigans in the North…gossipy stuff on gangsterism etc. But that, I suspect, was just a hangover from the days of the feuds, when the Officials were still seen as significant rivals. Others on the left were indeed just ignored.

Funny thing is, back in the day, I always enjoyed reading those snippets, existing, as I did, in that peculiar state of suspension… knowing the accusations were probably true and feeling it was evidence that I was in a revolutionary party (cos it did illegal things!) but at the same time denying to all and sundry that these Provo smears were true but…. sort of simultaneously believing that they were just smears against the poor innocent members struggling for Peace and Progress in the North.

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WorldbyStorm - December 27, 2022

State of suspension. That’s it precisely ColmB.


Colm B - December 27, 2022

There’s a psychological term for it but it doesn’t run to me right now?

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roddy - December 27, 2022

The problem was that the Provos knew the Stickies far too well.For a start ,families were split between the 2 outfits,up to and including Gerry Adams’ family for example.Secondly defections from the Sticks to the Provos occured throughout the 70s , during and after the hunger strikes and even in the 90s.I was amazed to see people once connected to the Officials turn up at SF meetings during the heyday of the peace process and enthusiastically urging votes for Martin McGuinness.

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entdinglichung - December 27, 2022

btw., when visiting the SF bookshop in Dublin 1993, I was rather impressed by the big variety of non-SF publications they were selling, was a kind of collector back then, got copies of the PD and Red Action papers and of LLB there

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WorldbyStorm - December 27, 2022

True though in a way there were quite organic links to both those orgs at a bit of a remove.


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